New Story Released: Anpo (The Dawn)

Cover art by Patricia Revolinksy

I’m excited to announce the release of my first directly self-published short story, Anpo (The Dawn)! The story is available as a free ebook directly from Smashwords. (Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, and others also available).

Back Cover: Saveen has been selected out of many candidates to become the Storyteller, a person who will represent humanity to an unnamed entity via the Swirl, an orbital interface in spacetime. The task is mentally taxing and estranging, and he must also undergo various biotech enhancements that come with ethical and emotional costs. Meanwhile, humanity has some hard questions to answer about its past, and the future it is creating for itself. When the Swirl is activated, all does not go according to plan… and Saveen learns that the role we play in history may not be the one we intended.

The cover art is an original creation by my friend and colleague, Trish Revolinksy. Stay tuned for an interview with Trish in a future blog post!

Also for a future blog post: the interesting journey of this story. It’s been both highly praised and scathingly critiqued by various editors, undergoing seventeen rejections, an enthusiastic acceptance, years of pre-publication purgatory, and a withdrawal over four years of revisions under five different titles. I think its a great case study in looking at the vagaries of short story publication… more on that later!


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